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I love what I do-

Something a little bit different that I wanted to share today 😊😊😊this morning on my 2nd trip home from the Gym- (I walk home and eat generally on my break as I'm lucky enough to live close enough.)

A member of the club who I have actually never spoken to before - called out and said and “oh your off again- “ I replied by saying “good morning “back as he was an older retired gentlemen who trains almost daily on his own.

He said “I just wanted to say it’s always lovely to see you smiling and training and coming and going.“

I said “why thank you 😊” I formally introduced myself as like I said I had never spoken to him and he informed me his name was Q.

He said it really does make a huge impact when you see someone who is always smiling, coming back and forth clearly prioritizing her clients and who enjoys it. Not just someone that does is for the quid(his words not mine) and mentioned how he sees that I train every day when he is there.

Honestly I’d started at 4am again this morning and it was the last thing I expected to have an impact on my day but it really did. Someone went out of there way to pass on some positivity and appreciation that I had indirectly given him.

Just wanted to share and say that sometimes your kind words or a gesture can go a long way! And maybe stopping and spending that minute talking to someone could make there day.

Thank you Q 🙏 #positivity #kindness .

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