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The mornings you don’t have to set an alarm 💤

Good morning! I feel super well rested and relaxed! Didn’t have to set an alarm for a change-this hardly ever happens! I have had a massive week! Yesterday was a good relaxing Friday to finish off my week :) 

I finished my last post saying how I was finishing at my retail job and then starting a new one straight away! Combined with a big week and long days of clients it was going to be draining! 

Monday however was a good day in which I took an adventure and went on a road trip to a place I’ve wanted to go for a long time. Allora is a small town near Warwick - Queensland, about a 2 hour drive out of Brisbane add in a couple of stops and it is a big drive! Funny thing was normally the big drives and time frames annoy me but not that day. 

I had seen photos of people going out to the sunflower farms that this little town is famous for! But it was the end of the season and I didn’t really know what would be left! 🌻 Finally teach the town - I’m super optimistic about seeing massive fields - that at the first site of the 2 farms we saw I drove past and persisted with “there will be more”, well no there wasn’t. We took another 50km drive to head through the town and follow the sunflower route as I insisted there would be more. Which there wasn’t so we double backed and went to the first and only ones that were left - which was at the start when we drove in. 

Regardless I wasn’t bothered by the wasted time as I was stoked to have made it there and just enjoy the beauty of the farms. Being extremely careful to enter - the farms are peoples property and their business so it’s important to be mindful when visiting. We took some incredible photos amongst the rows and rows. With a massive afternoon storm brewing our trip was over we would have to chase it all the way back home. 

Man I felt buggered by the time I got home from all that time in the car, but it also didn’t bother me as I felt so grateful to have gone. I just never have the time to do things like that 🌻

Come Tuesday it was day 1 at the new store - building, unpacking, folding it’s a massive task when opening a brand new store from scratch. That combined with my early morning clients and clients that night and training I was going to be wrecked. That was my days for the next 3 mornings - early morning starts up at 5- back to back clients helping them with their goals and training sessions, squeezing in my own training and then being exhausted at night. 

The tasks with the store were super rewarding a well meshed team - great products and a positive environment to be apart of. 

I have had a super rewarding and fulfilling week- my clients are all in a great place - feeling motivated, and encouraged. My training didn’t suffer even with how busy I am, and I love feeling apart of a team. Success all round.

Adams gone to Sydney for a few days for Halo once again with his mates so it’s just me at home for a few days. Working all weekend so couldn’t do a sneaky trip down. 

What I did get to enjoy was an amazing much needed relax massage and a facial which left me feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. Such a good deal that I scored too, was super happy! 

Here’s to a busy weekend working now - fell asleep at like 8.30 on the couch last night and now relaxing in bed even though my body woke me up at 6! 

Upcoming thoughts and reflections for next will more so be on my efforts and thought process and progress on my FBME preparations and how I am tracking. 

Some good and some not so good components when looked in perspective.

Anyway Blog 3 done 😀

Tara x 

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